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Blessings to you all, just a little talk about what's been happening, and the upcoming Podcast!
  1. I'm Back!
  2. Podcast for 21 day Fast
  3. Why We Pray
  4. Binding and Loosing Part 2
  5. Binding and Loosing Part 1

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Seed 4 Life

Summary Ever wonder why I say “Amein” and not “Amen”? This is the start of a new segment of my PodCast called ” Seeds 4 Life” they will be short “truth seeds” to encourage and inspire your Day! — Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/angel45/message Transcription


Author, Pod Caster, Speaker & Encourager

Psalm 45:1
Give you One guess:
My Favorite Fruit?

Why I do ~ What I do

The darkest of dark is about to come, the light that shines in us will be the only “light” seen in the world before Yeshua Our Messiah returns.

“Let us remain Faithful O Elohim to your ways, Your cause and Your Words, let us not be weary in well doing, for we shall reap in due season! Let us move forward with NO FEAR!!! Only Your Praise being upon our lips at all times!

Let us fight the good fight, let us mount up with wings as Eagles! For you will complete that which You our God have begun in us, so we trust in You always!”

I had a Prophetic Vision while In the prayer room years ago, and in this vision “Gross darkness” covered The First Heaven or what we know as The atmospheric heavens which includes the air that we breathe as well as the space that immediately surrounds the earth. The technical term for this is the “troposphere.” It extends about twenty miles above the earth.

It was as if I were standing above this heaven looking down, and it was pitch dark all around, the darkest of dark. Only after seeing this vision did I begin to understand what the bible calls “Gross Darkness.”

As I looked out into what seemed like an endless sea of dark nothingness-I began to see these little sparks of light like “stars” that were glimmering in the distance here and there.

As my prayer partners and I inquired about this vision the interpretation came.

Before Yeshua’s return, gross darkness will cover the land, there will be no light because there will be no word of God except that which is written on Man’s heart. This is the time of the Great Apostasy the day’s that we are living in now that will usher in The Great Tribulation.

Those who are marked by God’s Holy Spirit will be the ONLY light, so that those who see the light may be drawn to the light of God’s truth.

A very amazing thing about this was that the “enemies” of God could not “see” the lights! Let those who hath and ear, hear what Holy Spirit Speaks!

My Call is to Awaken The Sleeping Giant~ The Church

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